• English Classes

    We offer a range of English classes, from basic literacy to advanced writing skills. Furthermore, we offer individualised teaching and tutoring sessions for those looking to advance themselves and prepare for a specific event, such as employment interviews, language examinations, or personal development.

  • Teaching Support

    We assist individuals with learning techniques that are instrumental in leading and instructing groups. Content is tailored for individuals, as well as groups, and all participants will be encouraged to utilise the strategies learned in the sessions in their own workshops at Fáilte.

  • Professional Preparation

    We support individuals as they prepare for their next steps with individualised education, career and employment preparation. This includes CV-creation and basic computer literacy sessions, as well as finding requirements for their employment re-accreditation process.

"I have been visiting many organizations before until now, but I found that The Fáilte Centre is a unique centre. Colleen and Claire, they really are serious in supporting migrants and refugees who want to build a new life for themselves. So, they helped me very much to enroll in university. Before that, I could not see any hope to complete my study in university, but they told me, "yes you can do that"  and helped me apply. Now, I am studying at university and I cannot thank them enough. Thank you, Colleen and thank you, Claire."

- Anonymous

"I have wanted to learn this for a long time and I am really happy now because it was a dream. Now, I am improving my skills."

- Ahlam, Iraq (translated from Arabic)